Anything but nappy

I love my natural hair, I do, I love the tight curls, the twists, the way it rolls up when I rub it with a towel, the way it feels soft and bouncy, I love how it gives me power to say no to people who only have a narrow definition of beauty. I also understand the women who chose to relax or weave their hair, but while you relax or weave please please love the hair underneath, love you even if you chose not to show your kinks and curls.

The most common cause of hair loss in black women is traction alopecia and permanent follicle damage brought on by repeated chemical burns, all in the name of making kinky hair less kinky and therefore more socially acceptable.

The images below are common. As the hair loss progresses more and more drastic measures are employed to hide the damage. Longer, heavier, weaves are applied which put additional stress on the already exhausted hair follicles, tighter weaves to get the hair to hold because there may not be enough real hair left to provide a solid foundation, the use of weave glue on the scalp instead of only on the hair because the hair is too weak to support the heavy weft. The hair may also be relaxed with harsh chemicals more often further weakening the hair as the quest to never have a nappy kink or curl show is pursued.


This model is 18 years old.

I’ll do me, you do you but if doing you involves weaves and relaxers please make sure you are not one of the people who ends up bald and permanently stuck under a wig by the time you are 40.

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Posted in Hair Care
10 comments on “Anything but nappy
  1. pynkkashmere says:

    Ouch!!! Looking at these pictures make me hurt!!!!

  2. This is just gross. This is everything I am against. I refuse to do too tight weaves and these nasty invisible parts. And the black glue? Then people wonder why black women’s hair is falling out. Cause of terrible choices like these!

    • nubienne says:

      Our terrible choices are influenced by the society we live in and I am glad to hear that you won’t do tight weaves. There are many others who cannot afford professional services but who are still subject to the same pressures to fit into society’s beauty ideal as every other woman.

  3. Kee says:

    Whoever did that model’s hair doesn’t know what they are doing; anything that is not done correctly will have a negative outcome.

  4. Violet says:

    Poor baby. I agree with the commenter above. It is important to eat right and take care of your hair. Never allow anyone to do anything to your hair without the proper training.

    • nubienne says:

      nothing was done to her head that she did’nt request. “It was hard (nappy/kinky) and I wanted it straight and I didn’t want any of that nappy hair to show” She was not in distress at all, she loved her weave.

  5. nubienne says:

    No Violet, I find her statement tragic but not uncommon. Even if many people won’t say those words it is what many have been conditioned to believe. She is not an anomaly, she is normal and that makes me sad.

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